
Tunisia in brief

Population : 10 million

Languages : Arabic (offficial); French(widely

spoken )

Religions : Muslim ( 98%), Jewish and Christian

GNP : 32,7 Billion TND (approximately 20 billion
euros ).

Currency : The monetary unit of Tunisia is the

dinar TND ,wish is divided into 1.000 millimes.soon

to become convertible abroad ,the dinar is equivalent

to 0,80 euros (2010). There are cash machine in every town .

Entry requirement : A valid Passeport .EU citizens do not required a visa . Other nationals

are advised to check their entry requirement with the Tunisian Embassy in their country of

residence .

Health Regulations : no vaccinations are required .

Time Zone : winter GMT+1 / summer GMT+2

Capital : Tunis

Climate : Mediterranean

Forms of payment : International credit cards ( Visa,MasterCard ,EuroCard ,Amex,Diner's

Club) and travellers' cheques are accepted in most hotels and tourist centres .

Weekly rest periods : Friday afternoon ,Saturday afternoon and Sunday for goverment

departments;Saturday and Sunday for banks and some organisations . Many shops open on

Sunday , In the month of Ramadan ,check opening hours with your travel agent .

Voltage : 220 volts/50 herts ( type C and E plugs )

Internet domain : .tn

International dialling code : +216

Taken from : Tunisian National Tourism Office