Tunisia's tourism has always been accused of being solely a sun holiday destination and of undermining its
cultural, historical and natural richness. In fact ,Tunisia is one of the few countries in the world where the
following tourist products can meet .
Apart from the see-sun-sand product ,the tourist can find delight , amusement and fun in the following tourist
products .
- Ecological Tourism
tourism. Natural reserves are visited by tourists to
observe the faune and flora of the country . In Tunisia
ecotourism is a new emerging product that will
certainly contribute to the diversification of the tourist
product if promoted masterfully .
- Sport
practice all kinds of sports.The organisation of
and cars rallies along with sportive manifestations is
necessary to attract a large number of tourists .one of
the major problems of this tourist product is the
need for more sport spaces with high quality equipements that answers the tourist needs along with
appropriate promotion ,invitation of sport teams and commercialisation of the product .
- Golf courses
Tunisian tourism is looking forward to promote this
product by increasing the number of golf cources .
The actual Marketing compaign commercialize this
tourist product as one of tunisian's tourism pillars as
it attracts a large number of tourist
- Health Tourism
*Spa :
Tunisia has got an important number of hot springs
sources that need upgrading to grant a high quality
in accordance with international norms .
* Thalassotherapy and wellness :
The water of the sea is used for theurapeutic or
preventive purposes .
Tunisia is ranked as the second world destination
after france .Actually the flow of concerned patients
outnumbers 150,000 every year . This type of cure has got more of the ludic than the medical as it combines
health,wellness,tourism,leisure and culture .
- Senior's Tourism
The western societies are ageing .Aged people are
already retired and more likely to undertake abroad
holidays than young tourists, married couples or
families ,as they have more free time .Equally
important ,they tend to have their holiday in winter
and spring wich means that breaking the seasonality of the tunisian tourism is possible .
- Cultural Tourism :
Tunisia has got a very rich history and cultural patrimony
The problem is that this product suffers from weak
promotion that has resulted in a small number of tourist
visits to cultural and historical sites as well as museum .
- Entertainment :
This is one of the essential and crucial tourist
product .In fact tourists hate to be mere resident in a
hotel ;on the contrary ,they like to participate to
national manifestations and to have contact with the
people of the destination they are visiting and this is
part of their need to discover and come across new
situations and lifestyles .
- Saharan Tourism :
The story of growth and success of the saharan
products has started timidly as it is the case now with
ecotourism for instance .
The saharan product is better discovered in winter
because of the heat that keeps tourists from
practising in many activities .
- Family Tourism :
families are tending to undertake holidays more than ever as it is
an occasion for them to meet .This gcategory of tourists is showing
new trends as they are targeting Guest House and Family pension .
- Business tourism :
Tunisia's peacefulness and mild weather during the
whole year drive many businessman to come and
have their seminars and conferences organised and
performed in Tunisia .Sometimes Businessman are
invited to participate in fairs and seminars to enhance
foreign cooperation .As far as infrastructure is
concerned ,Tunisia disposes of good facilities the best of wich exist in newborn 5 star hotels .
Green tourism ,bio tourism ,resudential tourism and culinary tourism are reconsidered by tourism
operators to be developped ,arganized and most importantly promoted .
Riadh Trabelsi
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